
Big Hill Saturday

Big Hill Saturday has become a Sole Runners tradition. We meet at Trump Golf Course and run up the trails.

This past Saturday, Phiten came out and to tape us before our run. Phiten is a Japanese company that sells products that are infused with titanium. According to the company, the titanium enhances athletic ability and promotes healing by stabilizing the electric flow that nerves use to communicate actions to the body.

I've been a Phiten fan for a couple of years now but after running a pain-free San Francisco Half Marathon after months and months of pain, I am a now firm believer in the power of Phiten products.

The Phiten people applied Phiten Titanium discs and tape on the Sole Runners. They also gave us coupons for free Phiten Start Kits. I had my shoulders taped up to help ease the knots and tension.

After the taping, we headed for the trails. I had on my waterproof jacket just in case. Despite the threat of rain looming above us, it was a beautiful day.

We ran past the houses at the foot of the trails and I spotted a tree house.

I took it easy since I haven't really run in awhile. It felt good to be back out there again.

1 comment:

  1. GO GO PHITEN! GO! (like go go gadget on inspector gadget you know?)


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